Ethical Policy
Sahara Ltd. takes very seriously its obligation to ensuring that its suppliers operate ethically. We routinely check that our direct suppliers provide an environment for their employees which protects their health and safety and human rights.
We are a hands-on organisation with exceptionally high standards, we work directly with our suppliers and our team visit the factories we work with personally. We believe in maintaining a friendly relationship with our suppliers, we love our work and we will only work with those who share the love and passion for what we do. We physically work alongside the machinists and pattern cutters at our factories wherever we can and as such we experience first-hand the conditions in which our producers work, we eat with them, and we use their facilities when we visit. Further, we have mutually respectful relationships with the creatives with whom we work, we believe in exchanging ideas and skill sets, we learn enormously from the skilled artisans we work alongside and we develop our products with them. In return they learn from us; this is an ever-evolving, enjoyable two-way process.
We expect and ensure to the best of our ability that our suppliers comply with their respective national employment laws and regulations, particularly in regards to: minimum age of employment, health and safety, freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, no discrimination, fair rates of pay, no inhumane or harsh treatment & fair working hours.