Style & Life
Earth Day | Q&A with Moral Fibres
Article By Sahara .
Apr 22, 2024
In celebration of Earth Day, Sahara caught up with Wendy Graham, the sustainable living expert behind Moral Fibres. Today, we delve into the world of eco-conscious living, exploring practical tips and insights to inspire positive change. As a brand deeply committed to sustainability, Sahara has long championed ethical practices, from our use of signature fabrics like linen and viscose to our dedication to creating timeless pieces meant to last. Earth Day serves as a poignant reminder of both the progress made and the work that lies ahead. Join us as we sit down with Wendy to uncover the secrets of simple, sustainable living and discover how each of us can play a part in preserving our planet for generations to come.
You've covered a wide range of sustainability topics on Moral Fibres, from ethical fashion to green cleaning. What inspired you to start this eco-blog?
I started the blog back in early 2013. I had always worked in sustainability, but I had a baby in late 2011 and was feeling like I wanted to do more. So I started searching for eco blogs to read for inspiration.
At the time there weren’t really any that I could relate to, and certainly not UK-focused ones. As I couldn’t find what I wanted, I decided to start my own blog - figuring that if I couldn’t find what I was looking for, then other people probably were too.
With a background in sustainability, I thought it would be a good place to share the stuff that I did know, and the stuff that I was trialling out around my home - everything from eco-garden techniques my partner and I were trying, the homemade cleaning products I started formulating, the beauty products and fashion brands I was trying, and more.
I worked on it whilst my daughter (then a one-year-old) napped, and then I worked on it in my spare time for years - taking up my evenings and weekends. Just over two years ago I made the blog my full-time job.
In your experience, what are some common misconceptions about living a greener lifestyle, and how can we address them?
I think the most common misconception is that it’s too expensive to live a more sustainable life. However, the central component of sustainability isn’t buying stuff. It can be using what you have, it can be borrowing what you need - from friends or from the growing number of Tool Libraries and Libraries Of Things. It can be shopping second-hand from charity shops or online resell platforms. It can be upcycling or recycling items you already have into more useful objects.

Your book, "Fresh Clean Home," offers insights into natural cleaning solutions. Could you share some DIY cleaning recipes or tips for reducing reliance on conventional cleaning products?
The very first homemade cleaning product I ever made was fabric conditioner. It’s super easy to make - you just need some white vinegar and a few drops of your favourite essential oil. I found it worked so much better than regular fabric conditioner - which is actually terrible for your clothes and towel and your washing machine - and is so much cheaper. Once I made that, that was me, I was hooked! I have now expanded my repertoire to include over 25 DIY cleaning products that really work.
Could you share some tips for reducing food waste and adopting more sustainable eating habits?
Reducing food waste is a great way to get started when it comes to making your home more sustainable as it’s an area that everyone can get on board with. Especially right now, as food prices keep rising.
I would say that meal planning is central to reducing your food waste. It really reduces the chances of ingredients going unused, and helps you make the most of leftovers.
Planning your meals doesn’t have to be cumbersome. Once a week, sit down and plan your weekly meals – including breakfast, lunch and dinner. Knowing exactly what you need minimises overbuying and ensures that every ingredient serves a purpose.
Another top tip is to try the First In, First Out method. My parents and my grandparents were all grocers, so, from a young age, I was well-versed on this stock rotation method that they used in their shop to minimise wastage.
Thankfully it’s not a complicated system to adopt. All it means is that when you’re stocking your cupboards or fridge after you’ve been to the shops, you put items with the soonest expiry dates at the front. Items with the longest expiry dates should then be placed at the back. I explain more about the difference between Best Before dates and Use by Dates in my article on reducing food waste.
Can you suggest sustainable alternatives to commonly used household products, such as personal care items?
There are so many! Reusable period products, from pants to pads and cups. Washable cotton pads instead of disposable makeup wipes. Bars of soap instead of shower gel. Shampoo bars instead of bottles of shampoo. Refillable makeup instead of disposable brands. I could go on and on for days.
If sustainable beauty is something you looked at in the past and it wasn’t for you, I’d recommend revisiting it. There has been so much innovation in the past few years. Gone are the days of shampoo bars leaving your hair greasy and waxy, or eco-friendly makeup not being particular shade inclusive. Heaps of brands - big names and small ones - have been doing such exciting stuff, and there’s zero need to compromise on performance now. Read more about how to start your sustainable beauty regime, including some easy homemade products you can try yourself using simple kitchen ingredients.
As Earth Day approaches, what initiatives or campaigns do you think are crucial for raising awareness and promoting sustainability on a global scale?
Being more sustainable at home is a great first step, but to have the biggest impact it's important to look beyond our own four walls. I'm a huge fan of the Make My Money Matter campaign, which helps to make sure our banks and pension funds are building a better world. With many banks funding fossil fuels and the arms trade, using our savings and investments to do so - switching to more ethical banks that don't fund fossil fuels or other damaging activities, and supporting the Make My Money Matter campaigns is one easy way to make a huge difference.
Fashion Revolution - is another great organisation that campaigns for a reform of the fashion industry, particularly on the need for greater transparency in the fashion supply chain. Right now it's Fashion Revolution Week - 7 days of action surrounding the anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh 2013.
Finally, the Global Plastics Treaty - is a public petition that anyone can sign that is calling on the United Nations and Governmental Organisations to commit to, amongst other things, a 60% reduction of all fossil fuel-based-plastic production by 2040 and make producers and retailers of plastics to be liable for the cost of any environmental or health-related damages.
Discover more about living a more sustainable lifestyle, easy practical tips and hacks you can adopt to support the future of the planet on Moral Fibres.